

Seyda Ertekin
seyda [[AT]] mit.edu

Şeyda Ertekin

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Sloan School of Management
Operations Research and Statistics Group
MIT Prediction Analysis Lab

Other affiliations:
* MIT Center for Collective Intelligence.
* MIT Intelligence Iniative.
* MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI).

Ph.D. Computer Science & Engineering
          Pennsylvania State University - University Park

My research interests include the design, analysis and implementation of machine learning algorithms and approaches to solve real-world problems in the fields of data mining, information retrieval and knowledge discovery. In particular, I am interested in the design and the application of scalable machine learning algorithms that are faster, data efficient and less demanding in computational resources to handle large scale problems with different data characateristics.

Selected Publications:

  • Wisely Using a Budget for CrowdSourcing
    Seyda Ertekin, Haym Hirsh, Cynthia Rudin
    Under review. Also available as an MIT Tech Report, April 2012.
    Citable URI:http://web.mit.edu/seyda/www/Papers/OR392-12.pdf

  • Learning to Predict the Wisdom of Crowds.
    Seyda Ertekin, Haym Hirsh, Cynthia Rudin
    In the proceedings of Collective Intelligence 2012, Cambridge MA, April 2012.

  • Approximating the Wisdom of Crowds.
    Seyda Ertekin, Haym Hirsh, Cynthia Rudin
    NIPS Workshop on Computational Social Science and the Wisdom of Crowds, Sierra Nevada, Spain, December 2011.

  • On Equivalence Relationships Between Classification and Ranking Algorithms.
    Seyda Ertekin, Cynthia Rudin
    Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), October 2011.

  • Non-convex Online Support Vector Machines
    Seyda Ertekin, Leon Bottou, C. Lee Giles
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), February 2011.

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