Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences (IMBS)


February 22 & 23, 2013
Social Science Plaza A, room 2112


ADAM BRANDENBURGER - Stern School of Business, NYU

JEROME BUSEMEYER - Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University
"Quantum Reasoning About Sequences of Events"

EHTIBAR DZHAFAROV - Psychological Sciences, Purdue
"All-Possible-Couplings Approach to Context and Determinism"

NOAH GOODMAN - Psychology, Stanford
"The Probabilistic Language of Thought"

- School of Management, University of Leicester
"'Quantum-likeness’ in Economics and Finance"

DONALD HOFFMAN - Cognitive Sciences, UCI
"And the Truth Shall Make You Extinct: Perception, Evolution and Quantum Measurement"

GEOFFREY INVESON - Cognitive Sciences, UCI
Commentary at end of conference

LOUIS NARENS - Cognitive Sciences, UCI

JENNIFER TRUEBLOOD - Cognitive Sciences, UCI
"A Quantum Model of Order Effects in Inference and Causal Reasoning"

JOYCE WANG - School of Communication, Ohio State



